SOrry I dont speak much french..
But this is my ride if you like to see..
NXPOWER - Forum 100NX - Tuning 100NX - Mécanique 100NX - Annonces 100NX - Photos 100NXNXPOWER : forum dédié à la Nissan 100NX my rideModérateurs: carbunx, TriadeOne, Modérateurs
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my rideSOrry I dont speak much french..
But this is my ride if you like to see.. Vous n’avez pas les permissions nécessaires pour voir les fichiers joints à ce message.
Welcome to nx-power ! You can speak english here, don't worry Lien corrig? Your eye-brow are terrific NX vendue...
Il me reste que les miniatures au 1/43e...
here Marcus you're the 1st Norway member, i'm surprised ! Your nx is very nice, congratulations for this and for your website too
Welcome on this website !
Your car is pretty ! As you can read, me it's the english that I don't write very well !
Welcome Man
Nice car you can speak freely with us, there is an "international part" here if you want plus de NX......mais toujours en Japs !
;)thank you all for the warm welcome! You make me wanna come
to France again right away for some good beer!! Maybe I should drive down and join you guys for a NX meet next summer.. hmm. Paris is excellent, and I`ve lived in St.Raphael a month..
bienvenue a toi satch , sorry no speak english , a part les g**s m**s , faut censurer
,lol sinon i vont pas etre contents , je parle allemand a la rigueur mon ex 100 nx et 200 sx ( avatar ) , toyo aygo et shadow 750 C2
mon blog : forum biker alsacien :
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