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Messagepar Pretty White » Jeu 10 Nov 2005 02:37

Anyone registered to the SR20 Forums please let us know whats going on here in France?
http://www.sr20forum.com/showthread.php ... ost1267931

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Messagepar Franky » Ven 11 Nov 2005 17:50

hello !

cnn is wrong wrong wrong :lol: strasbourg is not in germany LOL

it's not a fake :icon_eek:
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[Suprem NX-POWER+]Franky
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Messagepar TriadeOne » Ven 11 Nov 2005 18:47

NX vendue...
Il me reste que les miniatures au 1/43e...

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[Suprem NX-POWER+]TriadeOne
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Messagepar mike54 » Ven 11 Nov 2005 19:53

Pretty White, I rapidly read your link.
Most of the things said are quite right.
In fact, the problem start when the 2 guys were accidentally electrocutated . This has been a pretexte for all the young leaving in the estates for becoming violent.
The 2 guys have climbed a 3 meter-high wall because they were afraid that policemens COULD research them (something about a burglary), they weren't pursue.
So the young french sais that it was the policemen's fault, and they start to burn cars.
Another problem is that one of our minister has had problems during a meeting in estates with young guys (most are immigrants) and he said that this guys were scums.
All the immigrants felt insults and so...
Now, the young guys are burning cars in their own estates (!), and says that it's governments's fault if they don't have a job, and tthat they're "good boys", which don't have chance in their life.
Personnaly I know some of them and I realise that most of them prefers dealing drugsor sleeping, waiting for unemployment benefices compared to go to work, and when I see their way to find a solution, I don't feel very proud of my generation... :icon_rolleyes:
Finally, it looks as if most of the scums are about 15 years old, and they just fight with the police to have fun, not to defend theirs ideas...
I hope that you better understand the situation now...
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