NOUVEAU : Le Jukebox MP3 sur nx-power !
Celle playlist sera mise à jour et complétée par de nouveaux titres.
1 - DEATH IN VEGAS - Hands Around My Throat (rock)
2 - ANTOINE CLAMARAN - Decadence (techno)
3 - MARRS - Pump'Up The Volume (techno)
4 - SNAP - I've Got The Power (techno)
5 - VILLAGE PEOPLE - Y.M.C.A. (disco)
6 - AC/DC - T.N.T. (live - hardrock)
7 - AC/DC - Highway To Hell (hardrock)
8 - ZZTOP - La Grange (rock)
9 - THE CLASHS - Should I Stay Or Go (rock)
10 - MADONNA - Hung Up ! (dance)
11 - BLACK & WHITE BROTHERS - Put Your Hands Up (techno)
12 - SPEEDY J - Pullover (techno)
13 - WEASEL BUSTER TRIBE - Weasel Buster Show (hard techno)
Dernià¨re mise à jour le 23-03-2006